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( itxaropena)

  • 1 zertu

    a. ( egitasmoa, asmoa) to carry out, put... into effect; egitekoak \zertu to prepare the tasks; \zertuta dago it is all worked out; ideia guzti horiek \zertu behar dira, alferrik ari gara bestela all those ideas have to take shape or else we're wasting our time
    b. ( itxaropena, ametsa) to fulfil
    c. ( fedea) to accomplish, attain, achieve
    2. ( finkatu) to determine, set
    3. ( ametsa, nahia, guraria) to come true
    4. ( itxaropena) to be fulfilled; orduantxe \zertuko dira gure itxaropenak then our hopes will be realized
    5. ( zeratu, esanahi zuzena ez dakitenean) hemen politikariak berdin: baietz, baietz, esaten dute baina geroxeago edo, zer \zertutakoan, eta abar, ez dute egiten here politicians are the same: "yes of course, yes of course" they say, but a little later on, having done whatever they do, nothing really gets done; zer gertatzen da? — ba, Lizartzako zera zertzen omen da zereko zerarekin, eta haiek zertzen badira, inolaz ere zereko zerera \zertuko dira what's going on? — well, someone or the other from Lizartza is said to be doing it with so-and-so from somewhere or the other and if they are doing it, there's no way they'll be doing it to get there ; zer esan nahi duzu horrekin? ez bazara hobeto zertzen, nola nahi duzu nik zertzea zer hori? what do you mean by that? If you can't get whatever it is across, how do you expect me to get whatever it is I'm supposed to be getting?; nik zertzekotan zer hori hobeto \zertu ezazu if I'm going to do that thing you'd better do it

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zertu

  • 2 adierazi

    iz. (H. Jak.) meaning du/ad.
    1. ( aditzera eman, e.a.)
    a. to state, declare; auzitegian ez zekiela \adierazi zuen in court he stated that he didn't know ; gizon hura ikusi zuela \adierazi zuen (s)he stated that (s)he had seen that man
    b. ( jakinarazi, ezagutarazi) to let (sb) know, notify, convey
    c. ( egin litekeena, litekeen ideia, e.a.) to suggest; zer adierazten dizu argazki horrek? what does that photograph suggest to you?
    d. ( zifra, egitate) to quote, five, state; txekearen zenbakia \adierazi behar duzu you must {give || quote || state} the number of the cheque
    a. ( iritzia, ideia) to express, verbalize; gero hasi zen bakoitz bere eritzia adierazten then each one began expressing his opinion; bere barrengo sentimenduak \adierazi zituen artearen bidez he expressed his innermost feelings through art; nahi dutena elkarri ezin \adieraziz unable to {convey || communicate} to each other what they want; ez dute beren iritzi politikoak adierazterik they can't express their political views; guztion iritziak nahiko ongi \adierazi ditu he's voiced the opinions of us all quite well; "Weltanschauung" euskaraz nola adieraz genezake? how could we express "Weltanschauung" in Basque?; gaizki \adierazi duzu you've worded it wrong; \adierazi ezinezko gogoetak inexpressable thoughts; ezin \adierazi den poza an undescribable happiness
    b. ( teoria, e.a.) to explain, expound on
    c. ( ideia, burutapena, e.a.) to word, put, phrase
    d. ( esan nahi) to say, express; txostenak ez du horrela \adierazi baina halaxe da the report doesn't {say || express} it like that but that's how it is | the report doesn't say so in so many words but that's how it is; zer \adierazi nahi duzu horrekin? what do you mean by that?
    e. to word, put, phrase; ez duzu ongiegi \adierazi you didn't phrase very well; beste moduan \adierazita zegoen it was worded {differently || in a different way}
    3. ( ezeren seinale edo ikurra izan) to express, represent, denote, depict; batuketa adierazteko "+" ikurra erabiltzen da the symbol "+" is used to express addition
    4. ( iragarri) to announce, declare
    5. ( itxuratu) to represent, embody; proiektu horrek adierazten du gure itxaropena that project represents our hope io.
    a. audible, discernable; oihu \adieraziak distinct shouts
    b. ( istorioa, ipuina, kanta) remarkable, extraordinary
    2. ( ulergarria) intelligible, understandable, comprehensible

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > adierazi

  • 3 bihotz

    [cf. Aquit. Bihoxus, Iber. bios] iz.
    a. Anat. heart
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \bihotz-erre heartburn
    2. (irud.) ( adore) encouragement, heart; i-i \bihotz eman to encourage sb| to give sb heart; \bihotz galdu to lose heart; \bihotz izan to hearten, encourage; horrek \bihotz eman zidan that heartened him; \bihotza har ezazu, ez dezazula gal itxaropena take heart and don't lose hope; \bihotz on! cheer up! |take heart!; \bihotz erdibitua eta espiritu damutua broken heart and a contrite spirit
    3. (esa.) \bihotzetik diotsut hau I'm telling you this from the heart; \bihotz onez benevolently; \bihotz zimiko remorse | regret ; emakume hark \bihotz ebatsi zion that woman stole his heart ; \bihotza erori zitzaion hori ikustean his heart sank when he saw that; i-i \bihotza hautsi to break sb's heart ; bertutea, adeitasuna, zintzotasuna, samurtasuna, eztitasuna eta onginahia jartzen dizkigu \bihotzean it inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness and charity
    4. (p.) darling; ene \bihotza! my darling!; ene \bihotzeko kutuna! my precious darling!
    a. (ogiari d.) core, inside
    b. (sagarrari d.) core
    c. neguaren \bihotzean in the depths of winter; Lurrarrern \bihotzeraino joan ziren they went to the core of the Earth
    6. Kartak. heart Oharra: ikus oharra karta sarreran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bihotz

  • 4 bizkortu

    a. to stimulate, enliven, liven up, quicken; adimenaren gaitasun guztiak bizkortzen ditu; gure berezko grina eta joera guztiak pizten, handitzen, hedatzen eta garbitzen ditu it quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections
    b. (adoretu) to boost, reinforce; bere itxaropena indartu eta \bizkortu zuen it strengthened and boosted his hopes
    c. (sustatu) to promote, foster, boost
    2. (motorea) to rev up da/ad.
    1. (eritasunetik) to strengthen, grow strong
    a. to liven up; geldo ibili da baina orain \bizkortu da he's been sluggish but now he's livened up
    b. (presa hartu) to hurry up; bizkor ibiltzen ez bazara berandu helduko zara if you don't hurry up, you'll be late

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bizkortu

  • 5 elkartu

    1. (H. Jak.) compound; hitz \elkartu compound word
    2. united
    3. Mat. associated du/ad.
    a. ( batu) to unite, join
    b. ( zatiak muntatu) to put together, assemble
    c. ( pilatu, bildu) to collect, gather, amass
    d. to combine
    e. ( filma) to splice together
    2. ( jendea) to unite, join together
    3. ( koloreak) to match da/ad.
    a. ( bateratu) to join, become united, unite, come together
    b. ( bi indar, alderdi) to join together, join forces (- (r)ekin: with)
    c. ( taldekatu) to group together
    d. to combine
    2. (Gram.) to agree, go together; hitz horiek ez dira elkartzen those words don't go together
    a. ( jendea) to get together
    b. ( etsaiak) to get back together, make up
    4. ( elkarrekin joan) to go together, go hand in hand; beldurra eta itxaropena elkartzen dira fear and hope go hand in hand
    5. ( koloreak) to match, blend
    6. ( iritziari d.) to join; i-en kausan \elkartu to join sb's cause | to define one's solidarity with sb's cause | to affirm one's support for sb's cause; haien iritziarekin \elkartu da he shares their opinion

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > elkartu

  • 6 esperantza

    1. ( itxaropena) hope; \esperantza alferra vain hope; \esperantza galdu to lose hope; e-en \esperantza izan ( du/ad.) to hope for sth; E\esperantza Oneko Lurmuturra Geog. Cape of Good Hope
    2. Kir. nil, love; sakeak hamabost, erreferak \esperantza 15 for the serve, nil for the return
    3. ( haurra) \esperantzatan izan to be expecting a baby

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > esperantza

  • 7 faun

    [from Lat. "vanus"] io.
    a. ( hutsala) empty, hollow
    b. ( itxaropena) vain, pointless
    a. ( landarea) shriveled, wilted
    b. (irud.) diminished, withered

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > faun

  • 8 galdu

    a. ( oro.) lost; e-r \galdutzat hartu to give sth up for lost; \galdu gordean i. on the verge of being lost ii. ( noraezean) drifting; \galduan gelditu to wind up the loser ; "Paradisu G\galdua" "Paradise Lost"
    b. ( p., moral aldetik) perverse, depraved, corrupt; emakume \galdu shady lady; mundu \galdu honetan in this perverse world
    2. ( drogazalea, mozkortia, e.a.) incorrigible, hopeless du/ad.
    a. to lose; \galduta dago it's lost; itxaropena galdu to lose hope ; ondasuna eta osasuna \galdu zuen he lost his wealth and health
    b. ( beso, hanka, e.a.) to lose; besoa \galdu zuen he lost an arm; bizia galtzeko arriskuan dabil he's risking his life; hogei kilo \galdu zituen lau hilabetetan he lost twenty kilos in four months
    c. ( ikusmena, entzumena) to lose
    d. ( senarra, umea) to lose
    a. ( behar bezala ez baliatu) to waste; astirik \galdu gabe without wasting time; aukera ederra \galdu zuten they missed a golden opportunity ; ez dago denborarik galtzeko there's no time to lose
    b. ( ez hartu) to miss; autobusa \galdu zuen he missed the bus ; astakeria izango litzateke aukera eder hau galtzea it would be stupid to {miss || pass up} this stupendous opportunity
    3. ( suntsitu) to ruin, spoil; erru horrek \galdu zuen that mistake ruined him; ardoak \galdu gintuen wine was our ruin | wine ruined us ; oi harrokeria, zenbat \galdu dituzun! o pride, you have ruined so many!
    4. ( garaitua izan, ez lortu)
    a. to lose apustua \galdu to lose a bet; miloika euro \galdu zuen jokoan he gambled away millions of euros
    b. Kir. lau eta huts \galdu zuten they lost four to nothing
    5. txakurren beldurra \galdu behar duzu you've got to get over your fear of dogs da/ad.
    1. [-(r)i] to lose; giltzak \galdu zaizkit I'll lost my keys
    2. ( bidetik at gelditu) to get lost; bidean \galdu ziren they got lost along the way; \galduak goazela ikusirik seeing that we were lost; laberintoan \galdua lost in the labyrinth
    3. ( desagertu, suntsitu) to be lost; gure arraza ez dadin gal so that our race won't be lost; begien bistatik zeharo \galdu zen arte until he dropped completely out of sight
    4. ( txartu, suntsitu) to be lost
    b. ( esnea, e.a.) to go bad, go off (GB)
    c. Naut. to sink, be lost

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > galdu

  • 9 ilusio

    1. illusion; \ilusio optiko optical illusion
    2. ( itxaropena) hope; haren \ilusio bakarra eskolan berriz hastea zen her only hope was to start over in school
    3. ( poza) happiness, thrill; \ilusio handia egin zion zure eskutitzak your letter thrilled her

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ilusio

  • 10 irentsi

    [from *ira/irenots-i or * ira/irenuts-i] du/ad.
    a. ( oro.) to swallow; listua \irentsi to gulp | to swallow hard; sugeak osorik \irentsi zuen the snake swallowed it whole; baleak Jonas \irentsi zuen the whale swallowed Jonah up; amua irensten duen arraina bezala like a fish that swallowed a hook
    b. ( janaria, itoka, presaka) to gulp down, wolf down
    c. ( edaria, itoka, presaka) to guzzle down, gulp down, gobble down; irents zezakeen ardo guztia edan zuen he drank all the wine he could {gulp || guzzle} down
    d. ( kea) to inhale
    e. ( medikuen hizkera) to ingest; "produktu hau irents baledi, jo ezazu medikuarengana berehalakoan" "should this product be ingested, consult a doctor immediately"
    a. to devour, eat up, gulp down; lehoiak irensten duen arkumea bezala like a lamb gobbled up by a lion
    b. ( itoka, lasterka) to gobble up, gulp down
    3. (irud.)
    a. ( gezurra, istorioa) to swallow, fall for, be taken by; \irentsi duzu gezur hori ere? did you fall for that lie too?; ipuin hori irents dezakeenak apoak eta suge biziak ere \irentsi lituzke anyone who falls for that story would fall for anything; den-dena \irentsi zuen berak! he swallowed it hook, line, and sinker!; hori ez dut irensten I won't buy that | I won't fall for that | I won't be taken in by that; hila dela \irentsi du he fell for the story that she died
    b. ( bidegabekeria) to have to put up with
    c. ( jasan) ezin \irentsi dezaket haren izaera gaiztoa I can't {take || stand || stomach} her nasty character
    d. ( esandakoa) to eat; esan dituen guztiak \irentsi beharko ditu lehen ministroak the prime minister will have to eat all of the words he's said
    a. to swallow up; lurrak \irentsi zituen the earth swallowed them up in the earthquake; herioak \irentsi du gure itxaropena death took away our hope
    b. ( suak, suteak) to swallow up, engulf; suak \irentsi zituen haren eskuizkribu guztiak fire engulfed all of his manuscripts
    c. ( itsasoa, e.a.) to swallow up, engulf; zerbat arrantzale \irentsi ote ditu Bizkaiko Golkoak? how many fishermen have been swallowed up by the Bay of Biscay?
    d. ( eritasuna, gaitza) to consume; eritasun hark milaka \irentsi zituen that disease consumed thousands
    5. to soak up, absorb; lurrak laster \irentsi zuen goizeko euria the soil quickly soaked up the morning rain
    6. ( alferrik xahutu) Arkaismoa. to squander, fritter away

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > irentsi

  • 11 itxaro

    1. ( itxaropena) hope; geroko \itxarorik gabe without hope for the future
    2. ( zain egotea) waiting, expectation; \itxaroan waiting

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itxaro

  • 12 itxaropen

    1. hope; mesedez, \itxaropen apur bat emaidazu please give me some hope; zuregan dut \itxaropen osoa I've pinned all my hopes on you; lortuko duten(eko) \itxaropena dute they expect they will achieve it; \itxaropenez beterik full of hope; \itxaropen izpirik gabe zegoen hura she was without a ray of hope; \itxaropenez hopefully
    2. ( espero izatekoa) expectation, prospect, hope; ez zuen berriz ibiltzeko \itxaropenik he had no {prospect || hope} of ever walking again; afari onaren \itxaropenetan bildu ziren they gathered in the {expectation || hope} that they would have a good dinner

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itxaropen

  • 13 peskiza

    1. reach; fusila haurren \peskizan utzi zuen he left the rifle within reach of the children
    2. (I) a. ( itxaropena) hope; expection; lehenbailehen auzapeza ikusteko \peskizarekin in the hope of seeing the mayor; biharamun hobearen \peskizan daude they're hoping for a better tomorrow
    b. ( zain) wait; gaitz handien \peskizan daude they're expecting great calamaties
    3. ( bila) zure \peskizan dabiltza they're hunting for you

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > peskiza

  • 14 uste

    1. ( iritzi, aburu) opinion, view, belief; hori da jendearen \ustea that's public opinion; zer da zure \ustea? what is your opinion?; \uste txarrean daukat I don't think much of him; bat dut \ustea alderki horrek hauteskundeak irabaziko dituela I am of the opinion that that party will win the elections; ene \ustearen arabera as I look at it; nire \ustez egia da in my opinion it's true \uste {bereko || berdineko || bateko} izan to be of the same opinion \uste hutsal groundless opinion; \uste oker mistaken opinion
    2. ( konfidantza) trust, confidence; \uste {osoa || betea} full confidence; hala ere, izan dezagun \uste osoa gure buruzagiarengan nevertheless let us trust our leader; \uste oneko trustworthy; Jaunarengan \uste on du he trusts in the Lord; ez dut \usterik gizonengan I trust no man; \uste osarekin fully trusting; \uste osoan naiz egingo duzuela I am fully confident that you will do it
    a. hope; \ustearen aurka \uste izanik hoping against hope; \uste izpirik ez dute they don't have any hope; \uste hutsal vain hope
    b. \usterik gutxien denan when you least expect it; \uste barik unexpectedly
    4. ( asmoa) motive; \uste bikoitzaz with an ulterior motive; \uste eginarekin on purpose
    5. ( ideia, burutapena) idea, notion \uste garbi clear idea; ez eta \ustez ere not even in my thoughts; horiek etxerako \usterik ez daukate; horiek lotara orduko, hamaikak bai they've got no intention of going home; by the time they go to bed it will be eleven
    6. ( xedea) purpose; \ustea gauza bat, eta aurrera eroatea beste bat purpose is one thing, progress is another

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > uste

  • 15 life expectancy

    French\ \ espérance de vie
    German\ \ Lebenserwartung
    Dutch\ \ levensverwachting
    Italian\ \ speranza di vita
    Spanish\ \ esperanza de vida
    Catalan\ \ esperança de vida
    Portuguese\ \ esperança de vida
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ -
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ förväntad livslängd
    Greek\ \ υπολογιζόμενη διάρκεια ζωής
    Finnish\ \ elinajanodote
    Hungarian\ \ -
    Turkish\ \ yaşam beklentisi
    Estonian\ \ eeldatav eluiga
    Lithuanian\ \ -
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ średnia długość życia
    Ukrainian\ \ ймовірна тривалість життя
    Serbian\ \ очекивање живота
    Icelandic\ \ lífslíkur
    Euskara\ \ bizi-itxaropena
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ توقع الحياة
    Afrikaans\ \ lewensverwagting
    Chinese\ \ -
    Korean\ \ 평균수명

    Statistical terms > life expectancy

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